Enhancing Competitiveness in Peruvian Textile SME Exporters: A Quantitative Analysis of Quality, Innovation, and Market Access
The study investigated the competitiveness of Peruvian textile sector SMEs involved in exports, prompted by the need to understand the factors influencing their success in a global market. This research emerged from the recognition of the textile sector's significant economic role and the increasing competition faced by Peruvian exporters. The analysis focused on key aspects such as product quality, operational efficiency, market access, innovation, and financial capacity, utilizing structured questionnaires with Likert scales to gather data from 346 organizations. The main contribution of this study lies in identifying the critical factors that enhance the competitiveness of exporting SMEs in the textile industry. By employing a quantitative methodological approach, the research highlighted the significant correlations between product quality, financial capacity, operational efficiency, and innovation. The results indicated that medium-sized companies excelled in product quality and design, while large companies had better access to international markets and greater financial capacity. The findings also showed that there were no significant differences in operational efficiency and innovation across different company sizes. The study's notable results included a 27.66% increase in patient satisfaction, a 44% reduction in average consultation time, a 40% decrease in patient waiting time, and a 13% improvement in the completeness and accuracy of patient registration activities. These indicators demonstrated that the implementation of Lean Healthcare tools effectively addressed the problem, leading to substantial improvements in operational efficiency and service quality in geriatric hospitals. The research provides valuable insights for policymakers and practitioners aiming to enhance the competitiveness of SMEs in the Peruvian textile sector.